How to promote your band on a budget
by Andrew on 22 September, 2012 | 0 comments
We take a quick look at how you can promote your band by standing out from the crowd.
We are always thinking of new ideas to suggest to local bands to promote themselves. With the opportunities provided by social networking sites (such as Facebook) and music sites (such as bandcamp) it is easy to forget the value of traditional promotional graft. While these sites do help get your name out there don’t forget the value of building up a buzz with hard work and simple band merchandise.
One of the best traditional (and often overlooked) ways to promote your band is using merchandise. Simple merch such as t shirts badges, and fridge magnets are a great place to start.
Those of you with a fairly large budget could get some tee shirts printed up. You can raise some funds while getting your name out there. For a cheaper alternative try button badges or fridge magnets with your band name on. They serve the same purpose but don’t cost an arm and a leg.
Local business make a great place to start. They can help you with several different sizes of cheap badges and magnets (like the badges you may have seen at our gigs).
Why should you bother getting out on the road, playing some tunes and trying to shift some merch?
Lets be honest – how many of you have already forgotten about Myspace? This was once the best way to promote your band and too many people relied on heavily on the site. Now while we aren’t claiming that there won’t always be some form of social network or other to promote your band on don’ t take it for granted!
Building up a steady fan base slowly over time using as many different promotional tools as possible is always going to be the best way to go. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!

Email: is an editor and writer for and promotes the nights.