Gallops Reform
by Andrew on 29 April, 2016 | 0 comments favourites Gallops have announced they have reformed. They broke the news this morning via Farcebook.
They have also announced they will be recording a new LP and making at least one festival appearance over the summer.
The Focus for many fans now will be on whether they play any local live dates over the coming months.
The statement reads:
After 3 years loitering in the corridors of the vanilla prefab that is life in the 21st century, Gallops have returned.
We’ve tried desperately to exorcise the MIDI-synced demons in our skulls via mundane tasks and hobbyist ritual.
We’ve burned all of our equipment more than once. But none of this worked. We head into an East Midlands studio next month to begin recording our second LP.
We will be performing our first UK festival appearance at Arctangent on Saturday 20th August. More dates and news will follow.
Gallops X
For more information on Gallops have a look here.

Email: is an editor and writer for and promotes the nights.