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Roy Destroy

by Ben Davis on 10 August, 2008 | 0 comments

Video: Roy Destroy – Charming Heart

First of all, I love the name, let’s take it bit by bit. ‘Roy‘ – a name generally associated with the boring biron that is ‘Roy Cropper’ from Corrie – a wimpish and weak handbag carrying, Marks and Spencer’s tailored definition of a man. ‘Destroy‘ – definition: to defeat completely. Quite polar opposites if you compare them. A juxtaposition if you will.

Roy Destroy
is the brainchild of college filmmaker Ben Sawin. The initial idea began with Ben on his own, playing the songs he wrote on his own and performing the songs he wrote, on his own. There was something missing though. A band was needed to portray the songs in the fashion they deserved. Ben subscribed fellow college filmmaker Adam Scard Jones on bass guitar, followed by Tom Hassall (of Arnie) on lead guitar and finally Dom McCready (previously of pre-Arnie, Sweet Leef) on drums. The line-up was complete.

The newly formed band then began to beaver away in a local music studio, The Filter Rooms, where they honed and gelled a sound which they were happy with – all without a speck of procrastination, ready for their debut band performance at The Malthouse in July.

A performance which I attended, and I wasn’t disappointed. The crowd succumbed quickly to a sound so raw and vervacious that straggler’s walking by stopped to take a listen to songs such as ‘Zut Alors’, ‘Charming Heart’ and ‘Joker’.

Enticed you enough? Their next gig is on September 17th at Central Station.


Roy Destroy – Zut Alors – recorded at The Filter Rooms, Wrexham



More photo’s by Lense Eyes

Posted by:

Ben Davis

Email: ben@wrexhammusic.co.uk

Ben is the founder of wrexhammusic.co.uk.

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