Event: The digital revolution comes to Wrexham
by Ben Davis on 23 January, 2008 | 2 comments
Digital Strategies for Success:
You, your music and the digital revolution
NEWI (North Wales Institute of Higher Education) Mold Road, Wrexham
Thursday 7 February, 10.30am-5.30pm
If you are involved in the music industry at the moment you’ll know everything is changing at a rate of megabits per second. Welsh Music Foundation and Musicians’ Union have put together an event that aims to help you to make the most of emerging technologies and thrive in the new digital environment.
The day intends to give a greater understanding of how to embrace and utilise new technologies to maximum effect and is relevant to whatever genre of music you work in. You’ll discover how to turbo-charge your web presence and link to and make use of online services to sell and promote your music online. There’s more out there than just MySpace…
Speakers include Andrew Dubber (www.newmusicstrategies.com), a well-respected Senior lecturer in Music Industries at UCE Birmingham and a man who really knows about the digital music industry. Discussing the services available will be Clive Gardner of we7.com – an artist friendly platform for promoting music that is supported by Peter Gabriel – and Chris Thompson from music e-commerce experts emusu.com who provide everything needed to set up and manage a website and trade online.
Resident tech expert Colin Heron from the Music technology and ICT department at NEWI will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have about putting suggestions heard into practice – from imbedding music to software queries.
Representing the musicians that have utilised technology will be Tom Hingley of the Inspiral Carpets who will outline how the internet has transformed his music career and provided a new way to interact with fans of his new project The Lovers.
Welsh Music Foundation and Musicians’ Union will be there throughout the day advising how their organisations can help and assist music businesses and musicians.
The day is open to anyone working in the music industry and is free to attend with lunch provided. For further information and to register for the event please contact lisa@welshmusicfoundation.com or ring 02920 494110. Places are limited.
on 26/01/08 at 4:01 pm
Sign me up for the wrexham lecture
on 26/01/08 at 4:19 pm
Hello Guy, you have to email lisa to book your place:
lisa@welshmusicfoundation.com or ring 02920 494110